Thursday, November 27, 2014


Thanksgiving? Oh you mean that holiday between Pre-Christmas shopping and Official Christmas shopping? Is it on sale? Yeah, I get into that.

Sad but true, right? It's like Back-to-School season in June: we see you marketers, we know you're sneaking into our retailers earlier each year, but is nothing-- even Thanksgiving-- sacred anymore?

Last year I noted this little injection of mass consumerism and couldn't help but be a little sick with myself. Um, sorry, I am admittedly the Queen of clearance and Sultan of sales, so for me this season is like, well, Christmas so I contributed to this disaster [insert Home Alone face here].

I couldn't help but feel my own participation haunt me as I gagged on how much I heard my co-cube fixate on gifts for her kids: tablets, clothes and more toys.

But what is it all worth? 

I love gift giving, I am pretty sure it's one of my love languages. But despite spending the last few years living at home, with a comfortable job, and an extended network of family and friends that love me, I was still a pouty little brat. So took a step back to consider what I was truly grateful for, some material, some not, but let's be honest, if you're reading this list on your Macbook and say you're only grateful for your friends and family, you're a liar.

  • I'm grateful for the friends that make me laugh so hard that I cry. Friends that overshare and that are so sweet they cry with you. Happy and sad tears. Group texts that are technically conversations that have literally lasted for years. For random dinner dates or hangovers from reunions.
  • I'm grateful for my family. They're messy and weird and basically can fill their own DSM-5 with drama-founded disorders but they're also mine, and made me who I am even if who I am is consistently annoyed with my family. (It's a cyclical thing.)
  • I am grateful for the opportunities I've been presented. Not always ideal (ahem, Bismarck), but whatever. Trade-off for getting to go to Hawaii for two weeks? Ew, traveling and new adventures are the worst.
  • I'm grateful for audiobooks, because without them I would never get any housework done.
  • I am grateful for people who post pictures of puppies. I love puppies and those pictures have saved me from many-a-meltdowns.
  • I'm grateful for drive-thru coffee. Because, duh.
  • I'm grateful for people who still spell out "through" because "thru" looks stupid.
  • I'm grateful for this country, and this era. It's not cheesy when you think about how as a woman, who is brown, I can do anything a man can do in this country without the fear of having my head chopped off. Literally. 
  • I am grateful for wine.
  • I am grateful for man-friend, because he tolerates me daily. Because he sacrifices his sanity for me for the sake of a well-cooked taco and a smooch. 
Some of those things you can buy, but some you can't. For the memories of them all. That's what I'm most grateful for. I hope today, if you trample someone for a pre-pre-pre-Black Friday steal, that you spend equally as much energy spreading some love, because we can all be grateful for that.

  • And bacon, obviously I'm grateful for bacon.

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