Monday, June 22, 2015

Moved by the Stars ... to Run?

It isn't very often I get time to stargaze. I have a lot of trouble grasping the vastness that encompasses our solar system and the galaxies beyond when I'm not looking toward the heavens for the answers they might provide. But in most of the big decisions of my life that come in the form of an epiphany I have noted that they are always made under watch of the moon and the Milky Way.

If you've followed my Insta or read my last post, you know I've been traveling for love and leisure alike as of late. Wedding season is upon us and it has made me consider life quite a bit lately. Perhaps it's the repetition of telling people what you're doing with your life that makes you wish you had something cooler to say, or the inevitable groan that follows when people ask you, "When are you getting married?".

Never-the-less, I finally have a moment to gain some perspective on life and last night, while searching for Orion's Belt with man friend, something in me shifted and I made a decision (or two).

I have wanted to be a "runner" for a while. I have run casually in the past and even done a race or two with friends for fun. I thought that maybe the high would last long enough to propel me to my next race and I could begin a stead habit of running for sport and leisure. I've been slacking wholeheartedly in the exercise category also, so it felt inevitable that I would have to make a choice sooner than later. (My metabolism has contentedly decided to catch up to my age and take it's sweet toll on my body-- something I had hoped would happen a few years down the line yet.)

Alas, now that the dust has settled for a little while and with the peace of a relaxing Sunday with nowhere to be, a clear head can prosper. Which apparently means using the inspiration from your friends to sign up for a half marathon.

Um, what? So much for staying relaxed, dust settling, and that kind of whatnot.

I figured I should stop wishing I could and making excuses for why I shouldn't (middle school sprained ankle anyone?). Turning this introspection into action seems like a big leap, and although I'm terrified that I'll get injured, die or embarrass myself in some other way on this run, I've got just over 4 months to become the "runner" I always wanted to be.

Any advice out there? (Excluding my little brother who happens to run marathons for funsies and ran college track-- stop showing off already, jeesh!)

Maybe my next epiphany will be more leisure oriented like Ice Cream Fridays or Siesta Sundays.

Look forward to more scribblings on this likely painful but exciting experience--inside and out.

Monster Dash Half Marathon, I'm comin' for ya!


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