If you're wondering: I survived my workout class without incident. In fact, it was notably uneventful-- including the workout. wah-wahh.
I'm not one of those people who naturally gets jazzed to workout. I need to be inspired and motivated and so I'll continue to hunt for the class that gets me on the wagon. I'm testing out another tonight so I'll let you know how it goes.
Last Thursday felt like Friday. It was 70+ degrees and I actually got some color while basking on our little balcony. I am brown, but there are variations and I'm currently in my freckle-stage. This means I'm light enough where you can see the contributions of my father's mixed European heritage triumphing over my Filipino roots-- this is rare but then again, it's still only spring in the Midwest.
Anyway, I set up a little blanket, grabbed a water and laid out. In my sports bra and on my felt blanket, it wasn't exactly optimal but I didn't care that I was sweating into the thick layers, I was literally basking in the light of life. What is it about sunshine that gets us out of bed and improves our mood? I think it has to be more than chemical.
That was a Thursday, so come Friday and Saturday the grey skies were a far-cry from uplifting. Instead of staying indoors and avoiding the outside, manfriend and I decided to go golfing. This is an anomaly because I'm strictly a fair-weather-outdoors person and it was a little cold without the UV shining extra bright.
We finished our round and I was amazed: 1) I played some of the best golf I've ever played. 2) I was actually in a decent mood despite the doom and gloom of the howling winds and neutral skies. I think it sounds obvious to say that we have to work harder on rainy/unfortunate weather days, but I think I'm going to make a serious effort to do get those endorphins pumping anyway or it could be a very long spring.
Aside from rainy day Netflix marathons and cat-naps, how do you spend your cloudy days?
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