Monday, December 15, 2014

The Holiday Party

A cheers among neighbors to a merry night.

My neighbor, and gal pal (I think I’m at the appropriate age to use that phrase?) Karly threw a holiday party this past weekend.

How do people do this? I feel like Moms have these things down-pat. Did they all go through this process when they were pre-familia? As it is, I gave myself a pass for visiting Trader Joe’s and Target multiple times a day. Considering I had no garland or wrapping paper or anything of any holiday value to speak of, I’d say I built my stores like an efficient little squirrel planning for a long winter.

Anyway, the party went off better than I’d hoped. Karl, as she is known among friends, made a beautiful array of appetizers that were an absolute hit judging by all the empty plates at the end of the night.

Aside from wanting an excuse to sip cider and make pretty plates, the party was a way to bring worlds together if not for one last time. We go to weddings, birthdays and sometimes we have demi-reunions at Homecoming games, but how often do we intentionally unite multiple groups of friends for no reason other than “just because”? We move, we have kids, and we get consumed in our lives, but we decided to take some time just for us, as friends and enjoy the company before the opportunity slipped away with time.

For me, this was a way to celebrate not only the season, but also some of the people who make our memories so charmed. Melting together the generations (high school, college, post-grad, pre-baby, etc.) of our lives made my heart swell with joy; there are so many versions of yourself that certain groups get to know, that it almost seems like your life is a puzzle of pieces that don’t make sense until you put them all together. Some of us are lucky enough to have someone who has seen you through all those experimental stages, and as I approach the next year of my life, I am grateful (sometimes) that I have witnesses to the madness. But as I continue to grow and discover new parts of my personality and true self, I have the exceeding urge to bring these pieces and people together.

We did a circle of introductions and a white elephant gift exchange, and as my worlds collided before my eyes, I became so grateful for the family we've found and cultivated in this place I call home. I know when I look back on my life, this is what it’ll be all about. These friends, the laughter, the good food, the hilarious gifts (VHS tapes anyone?) and the ability to appreciate it all.

Under the tree or not, I got the gift I need this holiday season, 
and it didn't come from a store. 
Happy holidays to you and yours from a truly full heart.

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